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Spotlight on CM Parts Plus: A Leader in MRI Component Repair

I had the opportunity to sit down with Walter Moyer of CM Parts Plus, based out of Winston-Salem, North Carolina. Walter provided great insight into the essential services that CM Parts Plus offers to the healthcare technology management (HTM) industry, particularly focusing on their specialized role in MRI component repair.

What Is CM Parts Plus?

Walter Moyer, Co-Owner at CM Parts

CM Parts Plus operates as a critical resource within the medical industry by offering depot repair services for MRI components. Unlike typical parts vendors, CM Parts Plus doesn't sell or stock parts. Instead, they focus on repairing high-voltage MRI components, such as RF amplifiers and gradient amplifiers, that are sent in by their clients. "We repair it and send it back so you have it ready for the next time you need it," Walter explains, emphasizing the company's pivotal role in maintaining the lifecycle of essential medical equipment.

National and International Reach

Despite being located in North Carolina, CM Parts Plus serves a broad clientele across the entire United States and even caters to international customers. This wide-reaching service network is pivotal given the specialized nature of their work, ensuring that MRI facilities everywhere have access to expert repair services that keep their operations running smoothly.

Growth and Expansion Amidst Challenges

Walter shared the company's impressive growth trajectory, especially noteworthy considering they took over the company in June 2020, amidst the COVID-19 pandemic. Since then, CM Parts Plus has doubled its operational space to 10,000 square feet and invested in sophisticated testing systems like the Siemens Avanto and GE 450, enhancing their capability to thoroughly test and verify the functionality of repaired components.

Why Choose CM Parts Plus?

When asked why the HTM industry should choose CM Parts Plus over others, Walter highlighted their appeal to organizations seeking an independent service provider. "We're the guys they send their defective parts to repair," he stated, adding that they primarily work with parts vendors on an exchange basis—repairing returned defective parts to be resold. This process not only recycles valuable components but also ensures availability for other healthcare providers in need.

Connecting with CM Parts Plus

For those needing repair services or more information, Walter advises visiting their website at The site offers options for quotes and detailed contact information, ensuring potential and existing customers can easily reach out and receive timely responses.

As our interview concluded, Walter's commitment to service and quality was clear, making CM Parts Plus a standout provider in the HTM community. With their focus on essential repairs and customer service, they continue to play a crucial role in supporting healthcare providers and their vital imaging equipment needs.

To listen to Walter's live interview on HTM On The Line Podcast at MDExpo Vegas, click here and skip to the 5:32 minute mark.

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